Forged from the earth, filled with holy breath, destined for holiness

Three Truths Every Person Needs to Know…. no matter what your political persuation

Can you handle some brick and mortar truth?

It is standard, common and held together to make a strong wall that can be used for shelter, protection and security. These truths are nothing special but have been called into such insane questioning that they are now considered lies and hate mongering.

They are nothing of the sort, I assure you.  Truth cannot be changed and demonized because people don’t like it. Truth is not a personality or group-speak. It is not something that evolves into a counter truth. It is just the truth. So here are some truths that cannot be changed, no matter what the loud talkers want to shout.

  1. Men cannot become women. I don’t mean that men or women can’t look, act or believe they can change. I am saying that a man cannot change his DNA and become a woman and visa versa. I am saying that this terrible confusion of who they are should not allow sympathy to eclipse science to declare that “so and so has become a woman.” There is no science behind it, yet the world is now being told a person can re-sex themselves with a little help from their friends. So, as the debate rages on and as more and more “exchanges” become the darlings of the media, let this truth be your brick and mortar… people, no matter how wealthy or popular, cannot change their sex. It’s all about the DNA, friend, and as we say in Texas, “it just ain’t happen’n.”
  2. Man cannot control weather. If you ever want to have a job that has guaranteed employment no matter how many times you are wrong, then become a meteorologist. It is the only career I know where you can be consistently wrong and still have a job. Why? Because, at best, even predicting the weather accurately is near impossible. With all of the science, money and research, we still don’t expect the local weatherman to get it right most of the time. Why then do we think that we can actually change the future of weather and “save the planet.” Are you kidding me?
  3. Abortion is homicide.  The recent video of Planned Parenthood execs selling infant body parts for profit should seal the issue in any thinking person’s heart, no matter the political persuasion. Since when did being a democrat remove the ability to think logically and with a basic degree of value for human life? Recently, body parts were discovered at a forensic medicine institute in eastern France. They were stored in jars and used for experiments with hopes to ultimately be placed in a museum for posterity. Oh. I forgot to mention, the remains were from 86 Jewish people sent to Nazi gas chambers in 1943. Most of you are more surprised that they were Jewish victims than surprised that they were not infants. Why? Simply because the death camps (abortion clinics) in our own cities have become accepted and celebrated just like in Nazi Germany. There is no difference. When has a particular population been legally murdered, had their bodies used for “science,” and society’s blind eye turned away? The answer… twice in modern history. Once in Nazi Germany and currently in our own country. The difference is that the Nazi’s murdered 6 million while abortion in the US has murdered 63 million innocents since 1973. We have collectively murdered millions of innocents, sold their bodies, placed them in jars to be displayed and scarred the collective conscience and calloused the heart of our nation. And not in the name of science as you’ve been told. Abortion is convenience, not science. see link here.

There is more… all drugs are evil, Caucasians can’t become Black, flags that represent the degradation and enslavement of an entire race should be removed and the list goes on. How do I know? Because I am not assuming that my opinions count for anything. The measure of conscience should be left in the sovereign rule of God because to place it in the hands of human beings in suicide. History tells that story over and over. Jesus said that in the last days, lawlessness will increase. The word means “the overwhelming spread of evil” and is the word for good old fashion sin. Can anyone, no matter what their religious conviction or lack-there-of, not agree that evil in the world has remarkably increased and flooded the common good of societies?

Stop trying to make evil good. Stop trying to make lies truth. Stop. Just stop and look at the consequences to date. I for one have had enough, have you?

In the coming days, the consequences of decades of rebellion against the simple tenants of normal society will steam roll ahead. If today the USA were to collectively fall to our knees and repent, the seeds sown would still have to be harvested, new seed put in the ground and carefully nurtured until a harvest of right living was ready. The good news is that change is not about my decision but about God’s sovereignty. Discipline is coming. The fields will be wiped clean. Men and women will once again be brought to a decision of conscience because God will not be mocked.

So get ready, friend. Truth cannot be changed and the truth is that Jesus still loves little children (Matthew 19:14), God causes the rain to cease and to fall (2 Chronicles 7:13-14), and His creation will not be mocked without consequence (Psalm 50:16-23). There will be a payday someday so sow today with a view towards eternity.

5 Responses to “Three Truths Every Person Needs to Know…. no matter what your political persuation”

  1. Zumwalt Jack

    Love your blogs and your teachings directly from scripture & that directly align with Holy Spirit promptings. I often forward to my broader extended family. Keep it up. Thanks for listening to what God is saying to you.

    Sent from my iPad



  2. Brad Ohm

    If I could have said it better, then my name would have been at the beginning of the article. Thanks for your insight and telling the TRUTH. Your biblical perspective is refreshing. Blessings


  3. Dennis Gallaher

    Thank you, Brad. I know that I speak for many of us. Psalm 106:44-45


  4. rob

    Not surprisingly I agree. With the Truth which sets you free you can see behind the veil of man’s hopeless attempts to justify sin and wilfull thinking. A man is a man and let our yes be a yes and our no a no! Blessed be you for rightful testimony to the truth with praise like honey to our bones!!



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